People keep asking me what I plan to do after graduation. The standard response is: "Well, in the immediate future, my wife and I plan to teach English in South Korea for a year." I usually receive a blank stare followed by a polite smile. This is followed by either one or two brief questions, or a casual change of subject. I'm not yet sure of what to make of either response. I guess the reaction could be worse. For example: "Oh my GOD. Our daughter did that. After we sent the money in response to the ransom letter, we never heard from her again!"
Anyway, Katie and I are now planning to take a little vacation to England sometime not long after graduation, prior to getting serious about applying to jobs in Korea. We figure that this will be a good way to get into the international "mood" before we take the big plunge. Also, Katie has always wanted to visit England, and this will be a nice reward for all the hard work we're putting in currently.
The photo above is one I took at a fireworks display that Katie and I went to last night (Independence Day). We spread out a blanket in the park amid a teeming mass of other people gathered to stare skyward, expectantly, in celebration of our nation's birthday. It was fun, except that during the height of the display our patriotic euphoria was rudely interrupted when the automatic sprinklers came on...
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