Last night Kyle and I went to see Kelly Joe Phelps perform at a music hall in Denver. Phelps is one of the most incredible guitarists I've ever seen. His album "Roll Away the Stone" practically introduced me to delta-style acoustic blues. The last time I saw him perform he did a lot with a slide; I was a little disappointed that this time he didn't use his slide once. However, the performance was still excellent. He

performed a number of songs I had never heard, as well as several staples like "Sally Ruby" and "Good Night, Irene".
Katie and I recently ordered another book about Korea: "Culture Shock". The book goes into details about living and working in Korea, as opposed to simply visiting. We have also ordered a program that will (hopefully) teach us a little Korean before we take the plunge. I think we both feel that if we can simply learn a few key phrases before we go we'll be much better off.

Fall is in the air here in Colorado. We've had a few days that were significantly cooler, though today the high is back around 90 degrees. A rash of colds seems to be accompanying the cooler weather, as our co-workers (and in my case, about 21,000 fellow students) are dropping like flies. Katie and I are both taking precautions -taking vitamin C, etc.- but I'm not sure how long we will be able to postpone the inevitable...
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