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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Korean Commercials

Just to give everyone an idea of some of the commercials we see on television here... This first one is for "Rush n Cash", which I assume is like a payday loan place. Their commercials play constantly, and this particular one was one of the first we saw in our hotel room in Seoul.

You might be surprised to learn that Wentworth Miller (star of the show "Prison Break") has done several Korean coffee commercials in which he sings. Miller is very popular in Korea, and I'm sure they compensated him well to do this commercial. It plays often. Those of you who have watched the movie "Lost in Translation" will especially appreciate this commercial... Right side, and, uh, with intensity.

This commercial is about ramen, which Koreans call "ram-ee-on", and is clearly directed toward kids. Korean kids absolutely love it, and will even eat it uncooked as a snack. The commercial shows it being cooked in a copper pot, and various vegetables being added to it, along with boiled eggs. At one point someone dumps a bowl of rice into it as well. We have eaten ramen this way several times.

Okay, not sure this is a commercial, and I can't say that I saw it prior to watching it on YouTube, but it's pretty funny. It's a cartoon encouraging kids to eat their rice ("bap" in Korean). I'm surprised that Korean kids need encouragement.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am surprised that any children eat rice-what with the terrifying singing maggots.