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Sunday, July 6, 2008

Work Dinner

A few nights ago my school hosted a work dinner for the entire staff. After work we all went to a "meat buffet" (I know. It sounds appetizing, doesn't it?). The restaurant was actually very nice, and the concept was pretty cool, too. You grab a plate and then select whatever you want from a wide range of thinly-sliced raw meats. Then you proceed back to your table where you cook the meat yourself, as you would at a Korean BBQ restaurant. Left to right above: Eric, Henry, Nancy.

Large, whole prawns were also available, and of course Henry couldn't resist. He did something, however, that I have never seen a human being do, and must admit that I was not aware that a human being was capable of doing until I witnessed him do it. He ate an entire prawn -well, except the head with it's abundantly long antennae- shell, legs, tail and all. He said that when you eat the whole thing, it has a different flavor...

On the far right of this photo are Kyle and Robin, the Canadian head instructors at my school. The others are Korean staff members who I only know by their "English" names: Anderson, Kevin, Skippa, Steve.

These are some of the other foreign teachers I work with. From left to right: Mary Ann (Canada), Stephen (South Africa), Teri Ann (Canada) and Casey (U.S.A.).

Here is the director of my school, "Conan" (again, an assumed English name), along with another foreign teacher, Vanessa (England) and several other Korean staff members.

At the end of the night, I was disappointed to discover that Katie and I had failed to take any pictures of each other. So I thought I'd post at least one picture of Katie, in this case triumphantly brandishing an ice cream cone. The photo was taken at dinner one night after we visited the Jinju orphanage.

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