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Monday, September 3, 2007

The True Meaning of Christmas: Record Profits For Our Shareholders

Several months ago I can recall thinking that if we could just persevere until August, we'd really feel close to meeting our goals. Now that it's September, I can report that I was right. Three and-a-half more months of school, and Katie and I will be able to breath again.

Of course, school is intense. Between my six classes I had to buy 22 books; I'm on campus two days a week, from 8:30am until 6:45pm. But in many ways it doesn't really matter how challenging things get this semester, since it's my last as an undergrad.

Meanwhile, I'm continuing to work full-time. As is the nature of retail, things are escalating toward an inevitable climax that will be reached on December 24th. I'm always reminded of that Charlie Brown Christmas cartoon that I used to watch each year as a kid. Remember how Snoopy capitalizes on Christmas by covering his doghouse in advertisements and lights? It's a little known fact that Snoopy is actually head of the marketing department for my company. There's no better way to condition oneself to hate the holidays than to serve a tour of duty in retail.
The pic is of me, enjoying a hot beverage at work. As you might have guessed from my tired expression, the beverage is caffeinated.

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