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Thursday, April 24, 2008


Last Sunday, Hanbit had a "U Pick Strawberries" group outing after the service. Strawberries are in season right now, and the street market and grocery stores are full of them. Katie and I had been looking forward to the strawberry picking event for a couple of weeks. Fortunately, the weather was beautiful and a lot of people came along.

After the service we had Chinese food with a number of other people from church. The food was probably far more authentic than anything I've ever had, and the restaurant was beautiful. The meal, however, was surprisingly inexpensive.

This is Arianne, the Dutch missionary that often speaks at the Hanbit English service. She has been serving the Lord in Korea for 26 years, and is as friendly and sweet as she looks.

The farm where the event was to take place was about an hour's drive from Changwon. Katie and I rode with Henry, Nancy and Kelly in Henry's car. Katie and I got our first view of Korean farmland, and it was refreshing after spending so much time in the city.

While the area was nowhere near as unpopulated as the rural areas of Colorado, we saw by far the fewest people per square mile yet in Korea.

The strawberry patches were enclosed in long greenhouses.

Katie displays the strawberries she's picked. To fill the styrofoam box, it cost us about $7.00.

Henry snaps a close up of some strawberries to use as a wall paper on his computer's desktop.

Katie with Erica, Michelle and Nancy.

Most of the people in the picture are Hanbit members, though a few were friends who came along just for the strawberry event. I'm standing next to the man who owns the strawberry patches (he's the one in the black shirt). After picking strawberries, we all went to his house for baked sweet potatoes and snacks. It was a great day.

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