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Friday, January 11, 2008


With my consent, my contact at the recruiting agency has forwarded my resume to an English school in Ulsan. Ulsan is a large-ish city along the southeastern coast of Korea, just northeast of Busan. As you can read on the city's official website, Ulsan features "12 Sceneries" (I hope this is a conservative figure), and is the "symbol of industrial and economic growth in Korea." Ulsan is also known as Hyundai Town, as the company is headquartered there and owns most of the industry.

I got this photo off the city's website. It is Mt. Gaji, one of the 12 sceneries, and must be near Ulsan.

This is an area called Bangodae, which I think is like a national park. Again, it is presumably near Ulsan.

How do Katie and I feel about the prospect of living in Ulsan? A quick bus ride could get us from Ulsan to Busan when necessary, and frankly, we don't really know any more about one city as opposed to the other. Ulsan is smaller than Busan, which might be nice. We're a bit put off by the industrial aspect of the city, but I'm certain the Dickens-like images conjured in my mind (e.g., Coketown) are entirely unjustified.

The specific position that is open at the school is said to start in "February". It is very important for me to know when in February, however, since Katie and I will be out of town near the beginning of the month. Perhaps the start date is flexible; that would seem a bit out of the ordinary, but who knows? I let the recruiter know that late February works best for me, but I haven't heard any feedback yet.

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