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Friday, March 28, 2008

Cookie Plaza

Today we explored a little piece of western heaven called "Cookie Plaza". It's a small shop tucked away just like every other place, but is easy to spot because of it's pink sign and English lettering. When we walked inside I could hardly believe my eyes! They have BBQ sauce, KoolAid, cake mix, tons of cooking wines, many spices, maple syrup, oatmeal and even taco seasoning! It's an expats dream, really. We don't have an oven so baking is out of the question, but if we did, I could make cakes and other yummy things that remind us of home. Cookie Plaza is small, they usually don't have more than one of the same item, and some things can be very pricey like Parmesan cheese for $8000 won. But we were able to find cinnamon for around 1600 won which is pretty cheap, but the taco seasoning was more like 3000 won. I'd never pay more than $1.50 for that at home, but I am missing the taste of so many things that we're willing to pay a bit more for them here.
Mom told me we have a box of yummy things on the way too! I can't wait! Thanks Mom!

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