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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Black Friday

Black Friday: The busiest shopping day of the year, and a great illustration of survival of the fittest. I will be at work sharply at 3:30AM, the day after Thanksgiving, to help maintain "line control". "Control" is such a relative term. I think the above photo pretty much sums up why. I found this pic on a local news website, and I think it pretty much does justice to the chaos that is Black Friday.

Having recently awoke from their tryptophan-induced slumber, these people are in the act of beating each other senseless in order to get their paws on all kinds of low-priced merchandise. Notice that one woman is wearing a festive Santa cap. Presumably, she thought it would be a cute touch, since she is shopping for presents. But, while it may be "better to give than to receive", she's not going to give an inch to any sucka that gets between her and those sweet deals... like the guy on the floor, for example.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The picture is a still grab from a video from a few years ago.

Good luck with your line monitor position.
