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Thursday, November 1, 2007

First Photos

Today I managed to get out of school early, as my last class was canceled. As the semester begins to wind down, I wonder sometimes if my professors are as dazed as I am. It is interesting to watch them grow more frazzled and disorganized as the semester wears on. I suspect that cancelling classes on the fly is their way of "skipping". Not that I'm any better. Each school day I stumble out of class slightly more disoriented than the previous school day, afraid the next inconspicuous morsel of information (for example, regarding Titus Quinctius Flamininus' dealings with Philip V after the second Macedonian War), will result in a massive brain aneurysm.

Despite the all the business, yesterday Kyle and I were able to go down town to try out the new camera. It was the first oportunity I have had to really experiement with it. Kyle brought his tripod along, so we were able to shoot some night scenes as well. The following are a few examples.


kazeboyz said...

I think the cityscape looks even better than we thought it would. too bad it wasnt "blue time" anymore.
I decided that I like the negative space on your suspension bridge, as well.


Anonymous said...

Uh oh. A varmit.