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Monday, December 3, 2007

where i spend most my life...

Today is December 2. It's hard to believe how quickly it came! It feels like we just had September and now we're already at Christmas. I'm fighting a nasty cold that I caught from one of my tellers. HE shall remain nameless... (there's only one guy on the teller line... NATE!) I can't really blame him though, being a teller is like working straight from the commode anyway. You never know where all that money has been *shudder*. It's possible that I got sick from the little old lady who came to my window and told me that she's a "SNOT NOSE" today. Freaking great, thank you. It's no wonder why we keep Clorox wipes at EVERY corner. Anyway, I thought I'd reflect a bit on my job, since Aaron has given all our readers a healthy dose of his daily duties.
I really love lots of things about my job. I currently hold lead teller position at a credit union and I work directly under the best boss in the world! Lyn is really terrific! She's the most patient and understanding person I've ever worked for. Then there's the tellers. They are a hard working group of people of all ages and personality. We really have a fun time together :) There are many other individuals who work in other departments that I have gotten to know and really adore. My day is never boring.
The members are hilarious and there's a few that really light up my day when they come in. A few of my favorites include, Ron- an older gentleman who refuses to show you his i.d out of fear that you will "know his business" (I can see all the same info on the computer but OK, Ron.) He's sweet though, and likes to open up about his life. I happen to know that he has a cat named Flash that he has shaved to look like a lion... Then there's Randy. He waltzes in about every day and greets EVERY teller and the receptionist, AND whom ever he can catch a glimpse of walking by. He's very friendly :) And who can forget Clarence. He's my 7 am ray of sunshine... okay not really, I'm not that excited to see them all but they have such predictable personalities, I feel like I know them :)
Things aren't always like a bowl of cherries, there are some lemons in there too, but for the most part, I've enjoyed my job. Coming from retail, this position truly was a breath of fresh air.
I'll miss my routine and my friends, but I'm ready for a change. I need Korea. I need a break in the pattern we settled into. Aaron's graduation is just as much of a gift to me as it is to him. I get my husband back.... :)We get to start this amazing journey together, growing more deeply in love and seeing what God has in store for us. I couldn't ask for more.

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